Private Function Booking

Price displayed per person (Starting from $20pp)
Human Catering
Quantity Per Person (minimum order 15 people)

Do you have a party coming up and want you and your guests to bring their dogs?

Does your dog have lots of furends and you want to invite them to a private Birthday Party Function?

Do you have a business that loves dogs, and you want your allow your colleagues to bring them to your End of Year Party?


We can cater for all private functions!
We have a variety of food available. The price displayed is per person. Minimum order amount is 15 people.


  • Vegetarian $20pp
  • Chicken and chorizo $24pp
  • Mixed-seafood, chicken and chorizo $28pp


  • Chicken skewers 
  • Lamb skewers 
  • Burger patties
  • Pork sausages 
  • Grilled Prawns
  • Grilled Chicken wings
  • Bread rolls 
  • 3 salads (greek, potato, slaw)

 All condiments provider ie: sauces, mustards etc

Salt, pepper, disposable plates and cutlery provided

Alcohol can be purchased on day or a tab can be set up

Dogs can have the $10 deal of pupcakes and dogachinos



Enter in the desired date for the function in the comments section at the checkout. Please also specify dietary requirements* additional cost may apply. We will call you and confirm once payment is made.

If you have any questions prior to booking, please call or email and we'll get back to you